Urban DJ: Should we have only one round over the weekend?

73 views · Last vote 2 months ago

As of now, Dec 2022, there is one new music poll every day. That works well overally. However, would it make sense if we had only one round over the weekend. i.e. no round is closed on Saturday.

28 82%
One poll every day is great. Let's keep it as it is.
6 18%
One poll over the weekend sounds better. Let's try it.
Total votes: 34
#Urban DJ #Urban Poll #Product Changes #Product Improvements
We asked 34 people "Urban DJ: Should we have only one round over the weekend?". The top answer so far is: "One poll every day is great. Let's keep it as it is.", and you can find the rest of the results above. This is a single-choice poll.

A curious fact!

People who choose "One poll every day is great. Let's keep it as it is." here,
When being asked: What is 2+5(7-6)=?
would usually choose "7".
This poll was published on 2022-12-17.