Straw Poll Maker

The queckest straw poll creator online.

Poll Question

Private polls won't be shown on the homepage.
Only users with a direct URL can vote on them.
Public polls are viewable by everyone and listed on our homepage.
You need an account to create a public poll.





Vote restrictions
Vote requirements
Results visibility
As this is a public poll, you won't be able to modify it once 10 users have voted.

This poll will be public and anyone will be able to find it and vote on it.

Usage of Urban Poll constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Service.

A simple and easy straw poll

Sometimes you need to quickly ask for an opinion your friends or colleagues, that's a perfect moment for a straw poll. It is a single-choice poll by default. If you need to ask for multiple choices, you can use our full-featured poll maker.

The term "strawpoll" might come from holding up a straw (i.e. a piece of grass) and watching it bend to see which way the wind was blowing. Nowadays this is one of the most popular ways to ask for an opinion. Straw polls are highly used in the context of politics.

Poll maker features

Private or public

You can create a private poll or a public poll. Private polls are not listed on our homepage and are only accessible by the poll creator. Public polls are listed on our homepage and are shown to everyone. You can also share the poll link with your friends and family.

Unlimited poll options

While some poll makers limit the number of options you can add to a poll, we do not. You can add as many options as you want. Then, we will combine all results after the top 20 options into a single option called 'Other'.

Voting restrictions

  • Session - The user can vote only once per session.
  • IP - One vote per IP
  • User - your participants will have to register. (this is the most secure poll but makes it a bit more time-consuming for your participants)

Vote requirements

You can collect the Name and Email of your poll participants.

Results visibility

  • Unrestricted - The results are visible to everyone.
  • Show after vote - Visible only after the user has voted.
  • Private - Only you can see the results.

Public poll promo

You can create a private poll or a public poll. Private polls are not listed on our homepage and are only accessible by the poll creator. Public polls are listed on our homepage and are shown to everyone. You can also share the poll link with your friends and family.

Draft polls

You've created a poll that you want to release to the public at a later date? No worries, save it as a Draft poll, and you can publish it from your dashboard later. You will need to register to create a draft poll.

Markdown support

When adding a description to your poll, you can use markdown to format it. Here is a cheat sheat on how to use markdown.