If you got a chance and didn't feel guilty about it, would you sleep with your cousin?
Last vote
3 months ago
5 | 36% |
Definitely Yes
4 | 29% |
Not even if the world was ending
2 | 14% |
1 | 7% |
1 | 7% |
If I had to
1 | 7% |
hell fucking yes
0 | 0% |
0 | 0% |
fuck no
Total votes: 14 |
We asked 14 people "If you got a chance and didn't feel guilty about it, would you sleep with your cousin?". The top answer so far is: "Definitely Yes",
and you can find the rest of the results above.
This is a single-choice poll.
A curious fact!
People who choose "Definitely Yes" here,When being asked: Would you rather be able to fly or be able to breathe underwater?
would usually choose "Fly".
This poll was published on 2023-06-22.