Would you rather live 20 years and be very rich, Live 25 years and be...

69 views · Last vote 21 hours ago

Upper middle class, Live 50 years and be pretty poor, or live 300,000,001 years but be surviving off of dirt and cheeto dust from the trash can?

7 17%
Live 20 years and be very rich
6 14%
Live 25 years and be Upper Middle Class
6 14%
Live to be 85 and have a good life
5 12%
4 10%
Fuck you
4 10%
live infinite with infinite everything
3 7%
Live 300,000,001 years but be surving off of dirt and cheeto dust from the trash can.
3 7%
Live the amount I choose and be happy with kids and be rich and a husband Named Henry Lester because we have Social Anxiety.
3 7%
Live 100 year and be rich!
1 2%
Live 50 Years and be pretty poor
Total votes: 42
#Fun #Life #Kittyninja4900
We asked 42 people "Would you rather live 20 years and be very rich, Live 25 years and be...". The top answer so far is: "Live 20 years and be very rich", and you can find the rest of the results above. This is a single-choice poll.

A qurious fact!

People who choose "Live 20 years and be very rich" here,
When being asked: What is 2+5(7-6)=?
would usually choose "7".
This poll was published on 2022-12-22.