Would you rather live 20 years and be very rich, Live 25 years and be...

80 views · Last vote 3 months ago

Upper middle class, Live 50 years and be pretty poor, or live 300,000,001 years but be surviving off of dirt and cheeto dust from the trash can?

8 16%
Live 20 years and be very rich
7 14%
Live to be 85 and have a good life
6 12%
Live 25 years and be Upper Middle Class
6 12%
Fuck you
6 12%
5 10%
Live 100 year and be rich!
4 8%
live infinite with infinite everything
3 6%
Live 300,000,001 years but be surving off of dirt and cheeto dust from the trash can.
3 6%
Live the amount I choose and be happy with kids and be rich and a husband Named Henry Lester because we have Social Anxiety.
1 2%
Live 50 Years and be pretty poor
Total votes: 49
#Fun #Life #Kittyninja4900
We asked 49 people "Would you rather live 20 years and be very rich, Live 25 years and be...". The top answer so far is: "Live 20 years and be very rich", and you can find the rest of the results above. This is a single-choice poll.

A curious fact!

People who choose "Live 20 years and be very rich" here,
When being asked: What is 2+5(7-6)=?
would usually choose "7".
This poll was published on 2022-12-22.