Why do bees collect polls and not bears?
Last vote
2 months ago
1 | 25% |
Polls do not exist, the only thing that exists is you... this is your dream, so you can clearly just take that wheed
1 | 25% |
Bears taste like spinach and bees dont like spinach
1 | 25% |
Neither the question nor any of the answers make sense because bees clearly spinach themselves
1 | 25% |
Krung Thep Mahanakhon Amon Rattanakosin Mahinthara Yuthaya Mahadilok Phop Noppharat Ratchathani Burirom Udomratchaniwet Mahasathan Amon Piman Awatan Sathit Sakkathattiya Witsanukam Prasit
0 | 0% |
0 | 0% |
Spinachlike bears do not exist
0 | 0% |
Polls taste like spinach and bees like spinach
0 | 0% |
Spinach tastes like spinach so bees dont collect bears
0 | 0% |
Polls taste like bears so bees dont spinach bears with polls
0 | 0% |
Bears are already polls that taste like spinach to spinach bees with bears
Total votes: 4 |
We asked 4 people "Why do bees collect polls and not bears?". The top answer so far is: "Polls do not exist, the only thing that exists is you... this is your dream, so you can clearly just take that wheed",
and you can find the rest of the results above.
This is a single-choice poll.
This poll was published on 2024-12-11.