What's your fav colour?

108 views ยท Last vote 1 day ago
17 20%
๐ŸŸฆ Blue
10 12%
๐ŸŸช Purple
10 12%
๐ŸŸฉ Green
8 10%
๐ŸŸฅ Red
7 8%
Most greens ๐Ÿ’š
4 5%
๐ŸŒธ Pink
3 4%
Hey this is my quiz
3 4%
Dark teal
3 4%
2 2%
Royal blue
2 2%
Orange and green
2 2%
Crazy magenta
2 2%
2 2%
๐ŸŸจ Yellow
2 2%
๐ŸŸง Orange
1 1%
1 1%
red and black
1 1%
The fire as the orphanage burns to the ground
1 1%
My soul :)
1 1%
Showing the top 20 most popular options only.
Total votes: 84
#Fun #Generic #Colors
We asked 84 people "What's your fav colour?". The top answer so far is: "๐ŸŸฆ Blue", and you can find the rest of the results above. This is a single-choice poll.

A qurious fact!

People who choose "๐ŸŸฆ Blue" here,
When being asked: What is 2+5(7-6)=?
would usually choose "7".
This poll was published on 2022-12-20.