What do you think about the world?
Last vote
3 months ago
4 | 67% |
It's a bit scary with AI evolving so quickly and wars erupting left and right.
1 | 17% |
Its going better
1 | 17% |
we all die someday so better to enjoy it while you can
0 | 0% |
Its going shit
0 | 0% |
Not interested
0 | 0% |
I dont care
Total votes: 6 |
We asked 6 people "What do you think about the world?". The top answer so far is: "It's a bit scary with AI evolving so quickly and wars erupting left and right.",
and you can find the rest of the results above.
This is a single-choice poll.
A curious fact!
People who choose "It's a bit scary with AI evolving so quickly and wars erupting left and right." here,When being asked: Do you like school?
would usually choose "Yes".
This poll was published on 2024-03-29.