What is a concept paper?

1 view · Last vote 29 days ago
2 100%
concept art on a paper
0 0%
You may appeal to the idea of others provided you acknowledged them by writing a citation.
0 0%
Generally, is impossible to obtain feedback in preparing and presenting concept paper.
0 0%
A concept paper is an academic writing that contains summary of a project or issue that reflects the interests, experience and expertise of the writer or organization.
0 0%
Copy pasting of idea from other source is allowed in academic writing.
0 0%
Textual citation indicates where the author got certain idea in a concept paper.
Total votes: 2
We asked 2 people "What is a concept paper?". The top answer so far is: "concept art on a paper", and you can find the rest of the results above. This is a single-choice poll.

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This poll was published on 2024-11-24.