Suggest a subtitle for XX?

8 views · Last vote 1 day ago

If you were the director of a popular meme producing company, what subtitle would you use for the XX meme?

2 29%
Harder, please!
2 29%
The bottle whisperer
2 29%
1 14%
Guess what I am pumping...
0 0%
Total votes: 7
We asked 7 people "Suggest a subtitle for XX?". The top answer so far is: "Harder, please!", and you can find the rest of the results above. This is a single-choice poll.

A qurious fact!

People who choose "Harder, please!" here,
When being asked: Would you rather time travel back to the past or to the future?
would usually choose "Past".
This poll was published on 2024-05-10.