As a Ruby developer, how do you feel about JavaScript?

32 views · Last vote 10 months ago
7 41%
It's fine in moderation
4 24%
I like it
2 12%
I avoid it at all costs
1 6%
CofeeScript sometimes
1 6%
it is F-
1 6%
i don't even fucking know what ruby nor javascript is, i am a scratch developer
1 6%
Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?
Total votes: 17
#Ruby #JavaScript #Software Development #Programming
We asked 17 people "As a Ruby developer, how do you feel about JavaScript?". The top answer so far is: "It's fine in moderation", and you can find the rest of the results above. This is a single-choice poll.

A curious fact!

People who choose "It's fine in moderation" here,
When being asked: Do you use "pattern matching" in Ruby?
would usually choose "No - not at all".
This poll was published on 2022-11-23.