Is "Free Bird" by Lynyrd Skynyrd good?

17 views ยท Last vote 4 months ago
7 70%
2 20%
bwa bwa bwa bweee bwa bweee bwa bwee bwa bwee bwa bwee bwa bweee!!!
1 10%
havent tried yet
0 0%
Total votes: 10
We asked 10 people "Is "Free Bird" by Lynyrd Skynyrd good?". The top answer so far is: "Yes.", and you can find the rest of the results above. This is a single-choice poll.

A curious fact!

People who choose "Yes." here,
When being asked: If you had to pick one genre of music to listen to for the rest of your life, what would it be?
would usually choose "All Of The Above".
This poll was published on 2023-01-19.