Do you like music by black bear?

6 views · Last vote 3 months ago
3 50%
Yess! <3
1 17%
OMG OFC!!!! <3
1 17%
No not really
1 17%
0 0%
Yeah! :)
0 0%
Total votes: 6
#Music #Pop #Culture
We asked 6 people "Do you like music by black bear?". The top answer so far is: "Yess! <3", and you can find the rest of the results above. This is a single-choice poll.

A qurious fact!

People who choose "Yess! <3" here,
When being asked: If you got a chance and didn't feel guilty about it, would you sleep with your cousin?
would usually choose "Not even if the world was ending".
This poll was published on 2024-01-08.