The best way to learn is to?

169 views ยท Last vote 3 days ago
33 26%
Practice whatever you are trying to learn
15 12%
It depends on what you are trying to learn
13 10%
Play video games
10 8%
To fail
9 7%
Slam your head into rocks
9 7%
Go to school
7 6%
Cry in the closet
6 5%
Go to School but have an earbud in and just do independent worl
5 4%
4 3%
one baby to another said im lucky i met you
4 3%
Learn Urself and also go to school u lazy couch potato.
4 3%
come from a rich family
3 2%
Be a couch potato
2 2%
Get more iq
1 1%
Don't do it
Total votes: 125
We asked 125 people "The best way to learn is to?". The top answer so far is: "Practice whatever you are trying to learn", and you can find the rest of the results above. This is a single-choice poll.

A curious fact!

People who choose "Practice whatever you are trying to learn" here,
When being asked: What is 2+5(7-6)=?
would usually choose "7".
This poll was published on 2022-12-13.