Are poles an accurate way of measuring how many people agree or disagree to something?
Last vote
1 year ago
3 | 30% |
2 | 20% |
1 | 10% |
1 | 10% |
Yes; this is so obvious, this shouldn’t even be s poll question
1 | 10% |
No; why am I even doing this?
1 | 10% |
Yes; what nutjob would think otherwise
1 | 10% |
No; get out, people who think otherwise!!!!
Total votes: 10 |
We asked 4 people "Are poles an accurate way of measuring how many people agree or disagree to something?". The top answer so far is: "IDK",
and you can find the rest of the results above.
Please note that this is a multiple choice poll and people could choose more than one option.
This poll was published on 2023-12-09.