
User history
A song with a color in the title
# Vote Pnts Title
1 - - Prince - Purple Rain *
2 - - Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun *
3 - - Electric Light Orchestra - Mr. Blue Sky
4 - - Lorde - Green Light
5 - - Yoh Kamiyama - YELLOW
Bonus points
10 Yoh Kamiyama - YELLOW (Nomination)
18 * Promo
28 Total
A song starting with the letter D
# Vote Pnts Title
4 1 38 Dancing in the Moonlight (Original Recording) - King Harvest
2 2 25 Bruce Springsteen - Dancing In the Dark
3 3 50 Billy Idol - Dancing With Myself
5 4 25 Green Day - Dilemma
1 5 25 Queen - Don't Stop Me Now
Bonus points
20 Correct Position
183 Total