
User history
A song starting with the letter M
# Vote Pnts Title
3 1 23 Tears for Fears - Mad World
1 2 46 The Killers - Mr. Brightside
2 3 38 Frank Sinatra - My Way
5 4 46 Extreme - More Than Words
4 5 38 Dire Straits - Money For Nothing
191 Total
A song starting with the letter R
# Vote Pnts Title
3 1 14 Adele - Rolling in the Deep
2 2 57 Roxanne
1 3 43 Queen - Radio Ga Ga
5 4 57 Demi Lovato - Really Don't Care ft. Cher Lloyd
4 5 43 The Key of Awesome - Reggae Shark
Bonus points
10 Correct Position
224 Total