
User history
# Vote Pnts Title
1 - - System Of A Down - Chop Suey!
2 - - Bob Marley & The Wailers - Stir It Up
3 - - Weezer - Pork And Beans
4 - - Billy Joel - Piano Man
5 - - Katy Perry - Bon Appétit
Bonus points
20 Billy Joel - Piano Man (Nomination)
20 Total
Flowerbomb (band)
# Vote Pnts Title
2 1 38 Flowerbomb - "I Don't Wanna Know"
1 2 38 Flowerbomb - "sorry"
3 3 38 Flowerbomb - Soulmates
5 4 50 Flowerbomb - Nothing to do with me
4 5 25 Flowerbomb - Messy
Bonus points
10 Correct Position
199 Total