
User history
# Vote Pnts Title
1 - - Lindsey Stirling - Crystallize
2 - - Michael Bublé - Winter Wonderland *
3 - - Ayla Nereo - Wide Winter's Night *
4 - - Bleachers - Merry Christmas, Please Don't Call
5 - - Friday Night Funkin’| “Winter Horrorland” Lyrics
Bonus points
20 Bleachers - Merry Christmas, Please Don't Call (Nomination)
14 * Promo
34 Total
A song starting with the letter W
# Vote Pnts Title
4 1 14 Radical Face - Welcome Home
3 2 29 Tyla - Water
2 3 43 Toto - Waiting for Your Love
1 4 29 Sublime - Wrong Way
5 5 57 Pantera - Walk
Bonus points
10 Correct Position
182 Total